Managing Homeschooling​

How are you doing? Overwhelmed? Ready to throw in the towel on this whole work-from-home-and-also-homeschool stuff?


For many parents, these last few weeks have been a roller coaster, and there is not yet an end in sight. Perhaps this article from Mind/Shift will help.


It recommends setting a reasonable routine, building in fun time, reaching out to teachers when you're not able to help your child with a particular assignment, and taking walks. 


But the most important pieces of what it recommends, in my opinion are these nuggets: don't expect perfection and keep it low key.


It's ok if your kids don't spell words right or if they forget a piece of an assignment. It's ok if you aren't sure how to help them with fractions. Everyone is under stress and dealing with a pandemic, and we should not expect that anyone can give 100% right now. I, for one, have forgotten words and misspoken several times, and I even forgot to prep for one student last week. It's ok. It all works out. 


Give your kids and yourself a lot of slack and know that you are all doing the best you can right now. 


I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy!


Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash.