IEPs and 504 Plans During COVID-19​

Navigating online learning is tricky enough, but when your child has an IEP or 504 plan, how can you make sure that the support they need is being provided?


Here are some resources I've found to help you understand your child's rights and what schools should be doing to maintain the educational supports outlined in the IEP or 504 plan.


Adjusting Your Child's IEP or 504 Plan for Distance Learning from ADDitude Magazine.


Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During a COVID-19 Outbreak from the US Department of Education


Considerations for IEPs 2020 for Vermont


Special Education Guidance for COVID-19 for California


How to Handle IEPs During the Coronavirus Crisis? Some Expert Advice from Education Week.


Are Special Education Services Required in the Time of COVID-19? from the American Bar Association


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash